Sub bab 2
Sebelum masuk ke dalam cara
penggunaannya, mari kita lihat terlebih dahulu apa sebenarnya comparative
degree merupakan suatu nama yang
diberikan untuk grammar untuk membandingkan dua orang,
binatang, benda, ataupun hal.
bisa menggunakan kata-kata yang menjadi sinyal untuk membandingkan dan
menggambarkan dua atau lebih hal. Kalimat comparative biasanya dicirikan dengan
kata "than".
adjective/adverb + er + than
more + adjective/adverb + than
menyatakan hal serupa atau kalimat dua kata benda yang dibandingkan, bisa menggunakan
pola ini:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective +
than + noun (object)
kalimat comparative degree:
Ø This tree is bigger than any other tree in this street. (Pohon ini lebih besar dari pohon lain di jalan ini)
Ø Andri's dog runs faster than Bayu's dog. (Anjing Andri berlari lebih cepat dari anjing Bayu)
Ø I am taller than Ratna. (Saya lebih tinggi dari Ratna)
You are more tolerant than last week. (Kamu lebih toleran dari minggu lalu)
We often use the word than after the comparative form of the adjective
If the adjective ends in –e, add –r to form the comparative
Example : wise – wiser
If the adjective ends in a consonant
and has a vowel before that, we need to double
the consonant and add –er to
form the comparative
Example : thin – thinner
If the adjective has two syllables and
ends in –y, just cahnge the –y to –i and add –er to form
the comparative
Example : lazy – lazier
Add more before adjective with more than two syllables, e.g
beau-ti-ful, di-li-gent
Example :
My mother is more beautiful than me
The students in my class are more diligent than the students in her class
Complete the following sentence with the “comparative degree”
1. Sam is 165 cm tall. Donna is 167 cm tall. So, Donna is ................. than Sam
2. My father is 45 years old. My other is 46 years old. So, my mother is ......than my father
3. A buffalo is bid. But, an elephant is ………….than a buffalo
4. Bengawan Solo river is long but Kapuas river is ……. than Bengawan Solo river
5. Most students think Mathematic is ……. than Social Science
6. Roger is 12 years ols. Danu is 15 years old. So, Roger is ……. than Danu
7. A hill is ….. than a mountain
8. A horse runs …… than a goat
9. A car’s price is usually …… than a motorcycle’s price
10. The red jacket is 100.000 rupiahs. The blue jacket costs 275.000 rupiahs. The red jacket is …………than the blue jacket.
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