obligation, prohibiton, and suggestion

 Materi kelas 8 chapter 3 

What should you do?

Hai Guys!!

How are you today? I hope you are all fine. For today, I will explain about express obligation, prohibition, and suggestion.



Social function: the way to express what they have to do or we/I have to do. (cara untuk mengungkapkan apa yang harus mereka lakukan atau kami/saya lakukan)

 Modal yang digunakan dalam memberi dan meminta keharusan/kewajiban adalah MUST (HARUS) atau HAVE TO/HAS TO (HARUS)


Struktur kalimat:

 (+) Subject + must + verb/adjective/adverb + complement


(+) Subject + have to/has to + verb/adjective/adverb + complement  


For example :

  • ü    I must visit my grandmother in her house (saya harus mengunjungi nenek saya di rumahnya)
  • ü  A pilot must be responsible of the passengers’ safety (seorang pilot harus bertanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan penumpangnya)
  • ü  A driver must be careful in driving his car (seorang sopir harus hari-hati dalam mengendarai mobilnya)
  • ü   You must be on time in everything (kamu harus tepat waktu dalam hal apapun)
  • ü   We must try harder than before (kita harus mencoba lebih keras lagi daripada sebelumnya)
  • ü   She has to be here soon (dia harus disini segera)
  • ü   You have to be friendly to anyone (kamu harus ramah kepada setiap orang)
  • ü   He has to tell the truth (dia harus menceritakan kebenarannya)


Contoh dalam kalimat positive (+), negative (-), dan interrogative (?)

1.      (+) I must be on time in everything (saya harus tepat waktu dalam segala hal)

         (-) I must not be on time in everything (saya tidak harus tepat waktu dalam segala hal)

         (?) must you be on time in everything? (haruskah kamu tepat waktu dalam segala hal?)


1.      (+) she has to go to the market

(-) she does not has to go to the market

(?) does she has to go to the market?



Social function

The way to express what they do not have to do or we/I do not have to do. Cara untuk mengekspresikan apa yang seharusnya tidak mereka lakukan atau kami/saya tidak lakukan.

  • Structure

Subject + must not/ mustn't + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

Subject + have not/haven't + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

Subject + has not/hasn't + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

Subject + Do not/don't + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

Subject + Don't have to + Verb/Adjective/Adverb


For example :


You must not swim in the sea (kamu tidak boleh berenang di laut)

You haven’t be lazy (kamu tidak boleh malas)

You don’t have to give up in doing anything (kamu tidak boleh menyerah dalam melakukan apapun)


The other examples :

You are not allowed to swim in the sea (kamu tidak diperbolehkan berenang di laut)

You are not permitted to park your vehicle here (kamu tidak diijinkan untuk parkir mobilmu disini)

Don’t be careless! (jangan ceroboh)

Don’t be noisy! (jangan ramai)

Don’t wear jacket in the classroom! (jangan mengenakan jaket di ruang kelas)

Don’t forget to pick your sister up at school (jangan lupa untuk menjemput saudara perempuanmu di sekolah)


  • Social function

The way to express what they/we/I should do. Cara untuk mengekspresikan apa yang sebaiknya mereka/kami/saya lakukan.

  • Structure

(+) Subject + Should + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

(-) Subject + Should + not + Verb/Adjective/Adverb

(?) Should + Subject + Verb/Adjective/Adverb?


For examples

 Positive sentence, negative sentence, and interrogative sentence

 (+) I should sweep the dirty floor (saya sebaiknya menyapu lantai yang kotor)

(-) I should not sweep the dirty floor (saya sebaiknya tidak menyapu lamtai yang kotor)

(?) should I sweep the dirty floor? (haruskah saya menyapu lantai yang kotor?)


(+) You should remember your parents’ advices ( kamu sebaiknya mengingat nasehat-nasehat orang tuamu)

(-) you should not forget your parents’ advices (kamu sebaiknya tidak lupa nasehat-nasehat orang tuamu)

(?) should you remember your parents’ advices? ( haruskah kamu ingat nasehat-nasehat orang tuamu?)


(+) My mother should take care of my grandmother ( ibu saya sebaiknya merawat nenekku)

(-) my mother should not ignore my grandmother (ibuku sebaiknya tidak mengabaikan nenekku)

(?) should my mother take care of my grandmother? (haruskah ibuku merawat nenekku?)


(+) The boys should stop playing games (anak laki-laki

(-) the boys should not stop playing games

(?) should the boys stop playing games?

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