soal pengayaan kelas 8


Soal pengayaan kelas VIII


I.      Choose the correct answer!

This text is for number 1 to 6!

Hero of the Day

This story happened three days ago. At that moment I was hanging out with my friends in shopping malls. We were about to go to the cinema, when suddenly I heard a child was crying.

I looked around me but I saw no one. When I walked for about five steps, I looked to the left and I saw a little girl was standing in front of the escalator. I tried to approached her and asked her why she was crying. She said nothing but staring downstairs. I stood up and looked downstairs, it was her mother trying so hard running on an escalator to go upstairs to get the little girl. But it was useless effort because she didn’t realize that she was actually running upstairs on an escalator which went downstairs. I believed it was because she was so nervous at the moment and the only thing she was thinking was to get to her little girl.

I made a quick decision right away. I hold the hand of the girl gently and I said ‘come on, come with me, I will take you to your mom’. She said nothing but she opened up her arm to me so that I can hug her and carry her on my chest. I said from upstairs to her mom ‘don’t worry, I’ll get her to you’, and then I stepped on the escalators and walked down as fast as I can and give the little girl to her moher. Her mother was so happy that she didn’t say anything but smile to me. I smile to her too and said,’everything is okay now’.

1.      What does the text tell us about?

A.     Hanging out with a friend

B.     Shopping in a mall with a friend

C.      Going to the cinema with a friend

D.     Helping a little girl in shopping mall

2.      What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A.     To share the writer’s experience

B.     To describe the writer’s struggle

C.      To tell the way how to save a little girl

D.     To report an accident in a shopping mall

3.      What did the writer do when he saw that the little girl’s mother was so nervous to get her daughter?

A.     He said to the girl’s mother to be in hurry

B.     He held the girl’s hand gently

C.      He left the little girl

D.     He did nothing

4.      …because she didn’t realize….

What does the word ‘she’ refers to?

A.     The friend

B.     The mother

C.      The little girl

D.     The girl’s mother

5.      …I believed it was because she was so nervous at the moment and …

The word believed can be replaced by …

A.     Felt

B.     Knew

C.      Found

D.     Trusted

6.      From the experience, we can learn about …

A.     We should not take our child to the mall

B.     We have to be careful if we take our child in a mall

C.      We could ask someone’s help if we were in trouble

D.     We should not go to the shopping mall with our child

7.      Yusuf …. (memancing) in the river last week

A.     Fished

B.     Swam

C.      Came

D.     Lived

8.      Mr. Andy … a newspaper two minutes ago

A.     Read

B.     Reads

C.      Is reading

D.     Has read

9.      Dewi wrote a letter …

A.     Tomorrow

B.     Last night

C.      Tonight

D.     Now

This text is for number 10 to 15

Last week my school held a creativity competition to commemorate our school anniversary. All the students could participate in the event. The participants were free to choose their topics or products.

I was interested to join the competition. I like gardening, so I decided to make a vertical garden using unused mineral bottles. I recorded my activities in making the garden. I collected the bottles, then I cut one side of the bottles as a place to grow the seeds. Then, I placed the soil and seeds in the bottles. I hanged them on the wall and watered them everyday. After several days, the sprouts emerged.
I brought them to the school and collected the recording to the committee. I really hoped that I won the competition. The headmaster announced the winners, but I lost. I was so sad, but suddenly the headmaster announced the most favorite work. It was mine! I was very happy.

The headmaster, teachers, school staff and my friends asked to teach them how to make the garden. Then, I played the recording. All of them were impressed with what I did.

10.   When did the competition take place?

A.     In the school garden

B.     In the garden

C.      Last week

D.     Now

11.   Why did the writer make a vertical garden using unused mineral bottles?

A.     Because gardening was her/his hobby

B.     Because he/she wanted to be unique participant

C.      Because he/she could only make a vertical garden

D.     Because all the paricipants should make a vertical garden

12.   What did the writer do after the sprouts emerged?

A.     He/she watered them so they weren’t fading

B.     He/she brought to school and colleced the recording to the committee

C.      He/she waited for the announcement for the winner of the competition

D.     He/she felt very sad because he/she didn’t become the winner in the competition

13.   … I hanged them on the wall and watered them…. The word them refers to ….

A.     The soil

B.     The seeds

C.      The bottles

D.     The sprouts

14.   What do you think about the writer? He/she is a/an …. Student

A.     Wise

B.     Patient

C.      Jealous

D.     Creative

15.   What does the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.     The sadness of the writer

B.     The winner of the competition

C.      The most favorite winner of the competition

D.     The writer’s hope to win the creativity competetion

This dialogue is for number 16 to 18


Novi and Sari were in the library yesterday.

They talked about their last holiday.

Novi       :  where …. You …. (16) holiday?

Sari        :  I went to Pangandaran beach with my family

Novi       :  fantastic. How did you go there?

Sari        :  we … (17) the car to go there

Novi       :  did you enjoy your holiday?

Sari        :  yes, sure. We …. (18) so happy

16.   A. do – go

B. did – go

C. do – went

D. did – went


17.   A. took

B. take

C. takes

D. Taken

18.   A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were  


This text is for 19 to 24!

Last Wednesday, I came too late to my school because I played play station until 2.00 a.m in the night.  Because that I woke up late.

I woke up at 7.00 a.m and the class would be begun at 7.00 a.m. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day, I did not do that.

I always went to school by my motorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the key. So, I went to the school by public transportation. It made me took a longer time. I arrived at school at 7.15 a.m. I ran to my class. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was angry to me because I came late. It was my bad experience.

19.   The text mainly tells us about the writer’s …

A.     Daily activity

B.     Bad experience

C.      Hobby of playing play station

D.     Promise to not play Play Station again

20.   What did the writer do after taking a bath? He …

A.     Had a breakfast

B.     Look for the key and found it

C.      Rode his motorcycle to school

D.     Went to school without having breakfast

21.   … it made me took a longer time…

The word it refers to going to school …

A.     By public transportation

B.     Without breakfast

C.      By motorcycle

D.     In hurry

22.   Ho long was the writer late? It was about …

A.     Two hours

B.     Seven hours

C.      Fifteen minutes

D.     Fifty-five minutes

23.   From the text we can learn that we should …

A.     Arrange our time well

B.     Not play play station

C.      Obey our teacher

D.     Sleep early

24.   … I forgot where I put the key….

What is the antonym of the word ‘forgot’ ?

A.     Realized

B.     Rethought

C.      Reminded

D.     Remembered

25.   The tiger ……(mencari) a deer three hours ago

A.     Saw

B.     Bred

C.      Caught

D.     Looked for


II.    Match them!


1.      Arya … football yesterday                                                                                   A.  Did

2.      The students started studying from home one year ….                                        B. played

3.      Amel …. Know that her cat was dead                                                                  C. Last

4.      The present form of ‘could’ is …..                                                                        D. were

5.      Alwi almost …. an accident in 2018                                                                     E. ago

6.      Bayu and Sulaiman went to the school …. week                                                  F. was

7.      Farida …. so sad because of the terrible news he heard.                                      G. can

8.      Rahma … friedrice an hour ago                                                                            H. got

9.      … Nazzif answer the question correctly in the previous exam?                            I. cooked

10.   Alita and Avita …in the kitchen when the flood came                                          J. didn’t






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