Descriptive Text


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Apa itu Descriptive text?

Descriptive Text adalah bentuk teks yang berisi gambaran tentang suatu objek. Dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, dipahami bahwa Descriptive Text is a text that contain the description of an object, which is an animal, place, people, thing, etc.

Tujuan dari Descriptive Text adalah mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek khusus. Communicative purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular participant.


Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text

1.    Identification

Bagian identification berisi pendahuluan dan gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. Identification berfungsi sebagai pengenalan dari apa yang kita sedang jelaskan. supaya para pembaca atau pendengar tidak salah mengerti. Misalnya yang kita jelaskan adalah kucing, namun para pembaca/pendengar malah salah mengerti menjadi anjing,

2.    Description

Pada bagian description berisi ciri-ciri khusus atau sifat-sifat yang terdapat dalam benda, orang, atau binatang yang sedang kamu jelaskan.


Sekarang coba kalian simak contoh descriptive text berikut ini dan coba amati generic structure-nya


My Lovely Cat



I have a stray cat as my pet. 



He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found. He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.


·       Kalimat pertama atau paragraf pertama adalah Identification: Dalam Kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa si penulis memiliki kucing liar sebagai kucing peliharaannya.

·       Paragraf kedua berisi tentang Description: berisi penjelasan atau deskripsi tentang kucing si penulis dengan memaparkan sifat-sifat dan kebiasannya seperti: Kucingnya yang suka bermain, dia punya bulu berwarna orange dan putih yang lembut, dan dia suka bermain dengan buntutnya.



*  Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text

·       Menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Tenses ini digunakan karena dalam descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan suatu fakta atau kebenaran yang terdapat dalam suatu hal atau orang.

Misalkan kalian ingin mendeskripsikan mengenai tempat tidur kalian, kalian bisa menggunakan kalimat : The color of my bedroom is blue.


·       Menggunakan banyak kata Adjective . Kata Adjective digunakan karena dalam descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan sifat - sifat dari suatu benda, manusia, atau binatang. Contohnya : big, small, beautiful, dan lain sebagainya.


·       Kita akan sering menjumpai banyak kata "is" atau relating verb (kata kerja penghubung) dalam descriptive text. karena 'is' itu berarti 'adalah' yang mengarahkan pada penjelasan benda,orang atau binatang yang sedang kita jelaskan. Contohnya : my bedroom is small.

·       Descriptive text hanya fokus menjelaskan pada satu objek



Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dari descriptive text

descriptive text  about animal


I have a pet rabbit. My rabbit’s name is Bossi.

Bossi is three years old. She is small mammal with a short tail but long ears. She has four legs. Like other rabbits, she hops using her legs. Her hind legs are very powerful to hop. My rabbit has soft brown fur. I love cuddling her. Everyday she eats carrot and enjoys fresh vegetables too. She grows fatter and stronger now. My sister and I love playing with her.


Descriptive text about an object/thing


I just got a new toy from my uncle. My uncle is a sailor. He bought me a robot when he sailed abroad. I love this robot.

My robot is very nice. It is about twenty centimeters tall. The color of the robot is blue. The robot has a strong body. It has two big red eyes. It has two strong legs that are covered with blade boots.

My robot can be moved with two medium sized batteries. After inserting the batteries at the back of the robot body, we can make it move when we push the button behind its neck. The robot will move its left and right foot in turn. It will move its two arms in turn too. However, the robot could not bend its feet and it moves forward only.



Descriptive text about people

There is a new student in my class. His name is Rizky Pradana. He is from Bogor.

Rizky is a handsome boy. Now, he is fourteen years old. He has tall body, he is 170 cm. he has straight black hair. His face is oval with small eyes and sharp nose. He has dark brown skin.

I think he is a good student. He looks smart and cheerful. After all, he is a good classmate for me.


Descriptive text about place

My room is my favorite place in my house.

My room is in second floor, next to my big sister’s room. My room is painted light grey. There is big bed inside my room where I sleep every day. I put some pictures on my desk. There are my family picture, my picture with my friends, and my pictures with my pet, Luna, a persian cat. I also have drawers where I put all my clothes inside. My room is not big, but it is the best place in my house for me.




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